I guide people to live aligned with their soul’s purpose.
Both 1:1 consultations and group programs (in-person and on zoom) – Intuitive Consultant, Tarot Card Reader & Energetic Healer.
I use proven transformational modalities can enable you to achieve life-lasting results! Overcoming issues that can hold you back from living your best life.
Say bye-bye to…
- Self-doubt
- Limiting & negative subconscious beliefs
- Self-sabotaging patterns
- Communication difficulties (esp. in significant relationships)
- Feeling lost or stuck
- Trauma
- Holding onto past events
Intuitive Consultancy – for Business and Personal Life
I’m a Wayshower, guiding you to live aligned with their soul’s purpose.
- Guiding you to embody self-help processes
- Sharing intuitive guidance
- Blending ancient wisdom with neuroscience
- Transforming limiting subconscious beliefs using Soulalign Therapy®
- Reading Tarot
Tarot Reading
The Tarot, often very misunderstood, is a portal into our subconscious mind.
- Gain clarity on a situation
- Provide guidance to move through a challenge more easily
- Discover the most probable outcome of a situation
- Find out what is stopping your dreams from coming true
- Deepen your self-awareness
You can gain further INSIGHT & INSPIRATION over on YouTube
“Our beliefs about ourselves affect our behaviours and our successes in this world. Often we have become set in our ways and are unaware of our limiting beliefs. If nothing changes, nothing changes – let’s reset and get a fresh perspective!”
YES! If You’re…
⭐️ feeling sluggish or exhausted
⭐️ ready to resolve the past
⭐️ constantly problem solving, with no real quality time for yourself
⭐️ craving better relationship dynamics or to find your true love
⭐️ triggering a lot and feel anxious often
⭐️ feeling like something is missing in your life, yet can’t quite put your finger on it
Get the skills and confidence you need to live your deeper purpose.
Sign up for our Cosmic Consulting Classes and start living your soul’s purpose today! Learn how to tap into your intuition, break free from limiting and sabotaging subconscious beliefs, build your core confidence, embrace self-love and discover how to create a life you really, really love.
⭐️ Self-discovery – 1:1 or weekly zoom group classes
⭐️ To embrace your authentic power
⭐️ Transform your blocks
⭐️ Witness breakthroughs
⭐️ Using Energy Psychology processes – this way we can transform the origin of your block at the origin (perhaps last year, maybe early childhood, or even a moment in a past life!)
Then what?
⭐️ Enjoy the life long results with love, success, money, self-esteem, freedom, better health, and happiness.
⭐️ P.S. This resistance can be in the form of repetitive destructive patterns, lack of purpose, self-sabotage, not feeling worthy, feeling lost, health issues, childhood trauma, anxiety, depression and more. These obstacles, usually are associated with subconscious beliefs (& blocked memories) that are playing havoc within relationships, business, health, lifestyle and the general ability to be happy and satisfied.
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