The power is within you. If you believe this, you know I’m not here to fix you – I’m here to guide you to tap into your own superpowers so that you can navigate yourself through some of your biggest life challenges – the emotional heartaches, the repercussions of other people’s actions, the ‘life stuff’ we want to achieve – be that our great soul’s purpose, a fulfilling and prosperous career, or a truly intimate, deeply connected relationship.
This all starts with embracing the bigger reason we are here, getting to know ourselves and being deeply honest with our points of contention – which I know so many of you already do – BUT then what? What do we do with this and how do we bust through the resistance that seems to rear it’s ugly head every other day in some way or another – be that via simple self-doubt, overwhelm, anxiety, right through to a major lack of love, money, happiness, fulfilment…
OF COURSE, we know life will constantly throw us curve balls – these are our opportunities to grow. Yet, how do we deal with them in a way that, not only moves us through the challenge faster, it also transforms the deeper layers within us, that may have been lurking since early childhood or even incarnated through from past lives?
We need to tune into our Energetic Transformational skills and extreme self-awareness, then clear our lineage. Shed light on the darkness – become conscious of the transformational process, as well as conscious of our intentions and core vibration.
My latest course/retreat is not for beginners. It’s for those who have chosen or decided to be empowered yet continue to come up against brick walls. It’s for those who are literally sick and tired of the “efforting” in life. It’s for those who are ready to let go of victimhood and instead be their true authentic self!
Sit back, sink in – it’s time to take your power back, to take your energy back and truly come home.
You no longer need to run to a healer and have them fix you – you are not broken, you are evolving. Your radiance awaits. It’s time to take the road of least resistance and shine your light on the world .
Feel free to reply to this email with any questions or book a 20 minute FREE zoom chat to discover if this RETREAT is right for you.
Join this retreat and learn:
- The step by step Energetic Transformational process to re-programme your subconscious mind – Shedding light onto the darkness that inhibits your radiance
- How to use a pendulum to tap into Universal guidance (including my unique techniques to be sure you avoid your ‘will’ influencing the answers
- How to self-test using muscle testing to gain clarity of your subconscious blocks
- A unique stillness practice – especially designed for those with super-busy minds (This is also ideal for self-doubt and overwhelm)
- Discover the deeper wisdom and story of ‘The Fool’s Journey’ within the Tarot and how understanding this process can help you become the hero of your own life, time and time again.
- Strengthen your intuition, as I teach practical processes that enable you to more easily feel into your heart and body, so that you inner wisdom is readily available to you.
- Follow my self-awareness guide to clues of deeper self-realisation. Eg: protection of the heart and our attitudes/behaviour that alert you to this protection.
This retreat is an immersion. You can use the retreat content for the rest of your life.
You may find the processes especially good to:
- prepare your heart for greater love
- discover your deeper purpose in this life time
- overcome past hung ups/emotional neglect and other trauma
- break the patterns of sabotaging cycles
- leap forward in your business/career with more confidence & clarity
- improve your physical health – overcoming the origin of the body’s resistance causing dis-ease
- improve your emotional health with self-regulation/self-soothing processes
- reduce stress and anxiety
- feel more empowered in your life
NOTE: This is a semi-advanced course for those already on their spiritual journey – I have other workshop options for those new to their personal/spiritual conscious evolution and would love to have you on board if this sounds like you.
When you sign up for this Retreat YOU will also receive $800 worth of BONUS material to assist you to weave your way in this wild world.
These are your FREE extras:
* MAY COSMIC CONSULTING – 4x Live Masterclasses Following The Retreat To Provide Additional Support & Hold You Accountable To Commit To Your Best Dream Life ($197)
* The ’21 DAY – NURTURE YOUR SOUL’S PURPOSE’ CHALLENGE – You Will Be Required To Complete Week One Of This Challenge Before The Retreat – Awesome Prep! ($297)
* 2x 30 minute 1:1 ZOOM CONSULTATIONS WITH ME – One Before The Retreat/One After The Retreat – ($100)
* 2x Lunch, Morning & Afternoon Tea/Coffee & Snacks
If you’re keen to find out more about this unique RETREAT – Jump over HERE for all the DEETS!
Your guide,